Jesus Unmasked

The Ultimate Authority Affirms Same-Sex Unions

Episode Summary

“Jesus Unmasked” is now a FB live as well as a podcast! We warmly invite you to join the conversation every Wednesday afternoon at 5 CT / 3 PT on the Raven Foundation Facebook page! Adam and Lindsey unmask Jesus from exclusive theology and violent cultural lenses. But, during COVID times, Jesus would wear a mask! Loving others as Jesus loves us requires us to wear a mask too! Pope Francis has come out in affirmation of same-sex unions! In doing so, he is fulfilling the greatest of the commandments, to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. That’s what this week’s lectionary, Matthew 22:34-46, is all about, and Adam, Lindsey, and friends are celebrating! “Jesus Unmasked” seeks to remove the masks of exclusive theology and violent cultural lenses that obscure the truth of Jesus’s unconditional love. Scripture passages are read from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. “Jesus Unmasked” is a Raven Foundation production.

Episode Notes

Pope Francis has come out in affirmation of same-sex unions! In doing so, he is fulfilling the greatest of the commandments, to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. That’s what this week’s lectionary, Matthew 22:34-46, is all about, and Adam, Lindsey, and friends are celebrating!

Jesus’s interrogators don’t approach him with love, though, when they try to trap him with their question. In response, Jesus challenges their understanding of authority as well. When scripture and tradition are used to trap and to hurt, they are abused, and Jesus counters this abuse by reminding his interrogators that there is a deeper authority than the human interpretation of tradition. Similarly, Pope Francis appeals to a deeper authority than church tradition to affirm same-sex marriage. Because the greatest authority isn’t scripture, the Pope, or the church. The greatest authority is Love.