Jesus Unmasked

Why Prostitutes and Tax Collectors are First in God’s Kingdom

Episode Summary

“Jesus Unmasked” returns, now a FB live as well as a podcast! We warmly invite you to join the conversation every Wednesday afternoon at 5 CT / 3 PT on the Raven Foundation Facebook page! Adam and Lindsey unmask Jesus from exclusive theology and violent cultural lenses. But, during Covid times, Jesus would wear a mask! Loving others as Jesus loves us requires us to wear a mask too! In this episode, Adam and Lindsey discuss Matthew 21: 23- 32. Some of the chief priests and elders demand of Jesus, “What gives you the right?!” What gives Jesus the right to overturn the Temple, turn the world upside-down, and create a new order that centers the marginalized? Adam and Lindsey and friends talk about what authority is, how John the Baptist and Jesus both challenged established authorities without using violence, and why prostitutes and tax collectors are first in the Kingdom of God! “Jesus Unmasked” seeks to remove the masks of exclusive theology and violent cultural lenses that obscure the truth of Jesus’s unconditional love. Scripture passages are read from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. “Jesus Unmasked” is a Raven Foundation production.